Fair is fair. A little over a month ago I was braggin’ on the Red Sox and naively predicted a run to the pennant and beyond. I even signed up for MLB.com’s live service. Since then the Sox have looked like a bunch of frat boys in a sandlot game. At times it’s comical, and at others it’s downright depressing. Last night was the worst. It’s baffling how a team that can put together the win they got that night in June can look so inept now. Much is due to injuries to key players, but it also seems like they’ve lost faith in themselves. The rest of this season may be too painful to watch. But as a New England sports fan, I’m used to the roller coaster ride. The Sox do it, the Patriots do it. So hope lives on. A couple of years ago they were down 3-0 to the Yankmees and things looked utterly hopeless. But Yogi is right, it ain’t over till it’s over.