Fri 23 May 2008
Friday Ups and Downs
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Ups and downs of the week.
 Red Sox – Riding a 7 game winning streak, albeit against NL teams. Still, I’m enjoying the ride.
 Celtics – They barely beat Atlanta and now they’ve lost their first home game and still have not won on the road.
 Jason Varitek – He was catching for Jon Lester’s no-hitter this past week. He’s been the catcher for 4 no-hitters in his career. During that time, there have only been 11 no-no’s in all of baseball, and Tek has been behind the plate for 4 of them. I think he’s the best catcher in major league baseball.
 National 55 MPH speed limit - Please. Did we learn nothing from that farce the first time around?
 MacBook Pro – Got one this week. Not too impressed so far. The trackpad is lousy and the machine itself is uncomfortable to work with. The edges are too sharp.
 Garden Ramble – Is this weekend. I wrote about the last one. Should be a perfect weekend for it.