March 2010

Ups and Downs of the week.

 Alma Driscoll - My 9th grade English teacher turned 100 this week. She was simply the best teacher I ever had. I can attribute my grammar and writing skills directly to her supreme skill as an educator. She was 63 when she was presiding over my English class. That was 37 years ago. Amazing. Hats off to you, Mrs. Driscoll.

Celtic Crossroads – We saw this show last night at EIU’s new arts center. Astoundingly talented performers. Very enjoyable show.

  Petty Politics – It’s a sin that the bozos in Washington get paid at all.

 Common Sense – Finally the legislature here has seen the light, so to speak, and is allowing conservative window tinting on the driver and passenger windows. Now I can get my X5 front windows done so they all match.

The blog is four years old today.

Ups and Downs of the week.

Springtime Weather – I know this is a repeat, but this past week was great. Sunshine and 60 degrees every day.

  Health Care Battle – Congress can’t get anything right. And let’s face it, there will never be consensus as long as ignorant zealots on either side refuse to bend.


Ups and Downs of the week.

Springtime Weather – Wednesday was awesome. Great day for a top-down commute on backroads.

  Recession – Seems like a depression in everything but the name. This state, along with many others, is deeply in debt and there’s no end in sight. In fact, it looks like it’s going to get a lot worse. Our elected officials at all levels have certainly failed us.

Motorola RAZR – I finally gave up on my new LG EnV3. It just wouldn’t work right with the Bluetooth system in my car. I switched back to my trusty RAZR and all is well again.

  The Return of F1 and Michael Schumacher – This is going to be a great season. And it started today.

Top Notch Graphic Design – This is the logo for the upcoming Book Blogger Convention to be held in NYC this May, alongside Book Expo. It flawlessly and precisely depicts the scope and location of the convention. A hearty “Well done!” to whoever came up with this design. It’s perfect.

Book Blogger Convention

Ups and Downs of the week.

Well Deserved Retirement – Capt. Sully Sullenberger announces retirement. I hope it’s a long and enjoyable one.

  Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day – Today was the annual excuse for drunken stupidity on campus.

Photoshop Text – I’ve actually been having fun playing around with creating substance text.










