May 2008
Monthly Archive
Fri 30 May 2008
Posted by markj under
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StuffComments Off on Friday Ups and Downs
Ups and downs of the week.
 Red Sox – What is it about this team that they cannot win on the road? They win 81% at home and only 36% away. Although it looks like the Orioles are going to throw this game away and let the Sox have it.
  Celtics – They finally figured out how to win on the road. Maybe they can share the secret with the Red Sox.
 Angel Hernandez – Whiney bastard. Threw out Lugo and Tito for no good reason. Although anything that gets Lugo off the field can only help the Sox.
 Harvey Korman died. – Easily one of the funniest men ever. He and Tim Conway would keep me in stitches.
Sat 24 May 2008
Posted by markj under
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Travel1 Comment
Fri 23 May 2008
Posted by markj under
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Tech/SecurityComments Off on Friday Ups and Downs
Ups and downs of the week.
 Red Sox – Riding a 7 game winning streak, albeit against NL teams. Still, I’m enjoying the ride.
 Celtics – They barely beat Atlanta and now they’ve lost their first home game and still have not won on the road.
 Jason Varitek – He was catching for Jon Lester’s no-hitter this past week. He’s been the catcher for 4 no-hitters in his career. During that time, there have only been 11 no-no’s in all of baseball, and Tek has been behind the plate for 4 of them. I think he’s the best catcher in major league baseball.
 National 55 MPH speed limit - Please. Did we learn nothing from that farce the first time around?
 MacBook Pro – Got one this week. Not too impressed so far. The trackpad is lousy and the machine itself is uncomfortable to work with. The edges are too sharp.
 Garden Ramble – Is this weekend. I wrote about the last one. Should be a perfect weekend for it.
Sun 18 May 2008
Posted by markj under
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TravelComments Off on Windy City Weekend
We were in Chicago this weekend. The weather was great. We went up Saturday, had lunch in Greektown, and the went over to the Adler Planetarium. The admission, as with all the museums over there, is a bit pricey, but it was a pretty cool place. The views of the city were spectacular.

Fri 16 May 2008
Posted by markj under
SportsComments Off on Friday Ups and Downs
Ups and downs of the week.
Red Sox – As a long suffering Red Sox fan, I’m used to the roller coaster ride by now. I just hope interleague play goes as well for them this year as it did last year. They need the wins.
 Mannys’ High Five catch – Simply amazing. This guy loves to play baseball and have fun.
 Sen. Arlen Specter – What a waste of Congressional time. Hopefully the good people of PA will now smarten up and vote to this jackass out of office.
 Jayson Werth – Three home runs; a 3-run blast, a grand slam, and a solo shot. By himself he decimated the hapless Blue Jays. Amazing.
 Celtics – Yet another road loss. They dominated the whole season and now they can’t win on the road to save their lives. They came close tonight, but another lackluster quarter (the 2nd) put them in a hole they couldn’t climb out of.
Fri 9 May 2008
This one is in Ramsau, Germany. Beautiful sunrise.

Fri 9 May 2008
Posted by markj under
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School ,
SportsComments Off on Friday Ups and Downs
Ups and downs of the week.
Red Sox – Looking much better. 8-2 in their last 10. They should be riding a seven game streak now, but…
UPDATE and CHANGE OF STATUS: Papelbon blows his second save in a row. Sox are now 7-3 in their last 10. They had sooooooo many opportunities tonight to put this game away and couldn’t come up with the clutch hits. Manny looks like he’s going into a slump. Only bright spot: Yankmees lost again.
Julio Lugo – The Sox as a team have 20 errors this year and 10 of them belong to Lugo. His fumbling of a double play ball on Wednesday night cost them a game they fought hard to win and broke their winning streak.
UPDATE: Make that 11 errors. This one cost the Sox 2 runs and essentially this game.
Celtics – Looking more like the championship team they are.
Spygate coverage – Enough already. It’s over.
School’s out – Summers are so relaxed when all the kids are gone.
Tue 6 May 2008
Posted by markj under
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WeatherComments Off on Spring has sproinged.
My yard looks best this time of year. The cherry trees blossom nicely and the peonies haven’t yet bloomed and the grass is very green. Shame that the daffodils have bloomed and died already. They’d have added some nice color here.

Fri 2 May 2008
Posted by markj under
School ,
Sports ,
WeatherComments Off on Friday Ups and Downs
Ups and downs of the week.
   Red Sox – First the pitching was bad and the bats were hot. Now the pitching is hot and the bats are cold. It’d be nice if they could get together. On the good side, of course.
  End of Semester – Nice to have no homework or projects to think about.
  Grass growing season – I’ll be glad when it doesn’t grow 6 inches in a week.
    Celtics – Not as easy as it they thought it would be apparently.
UPDATE: So the bats finally came alive (except for Manny’s). Good thing, too, because the pitching was only so-so.