October 2010
Monthly Archive
Fri 29 Oct 2010
Posted by markj under
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Ups and Downs of the week.
Chicken 65 – The name is a mystery but this South Indian appetizer is awesome.
Political Ads – One more week of them to suffer through. What a waste of time and money.
Wally – Willie’s brother joined the party this week. Getting a bit crowded in the house.
Photoshop – When you can take a simple picture of flowers and turn it into something like this, the possibilities become endless.

Fri 22 Oct 2010
Posted by markj under
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Ups and Downs of the week.
Texas Rangers – Did I say it would take a miracle? Well, miracles happen. They sent the Yankmees packin’ and they did it at home in Arlington. I’m glad the fans there got to enjoy it. Looked like a great party.
Dosas – My new favorite Indian meal. Very tasty indeed.
Bozo drivers – I’ve seen way more than my share this week. How people can drive in such a clueless state of mind and survive is a mystery.
Willie – We rescued a little male kitten from starving this week. Now he’s quite happy and lots of fun to watch.

Filter Forge Freepacks – Very cool freeware for creating image variations through outstanding filters. This is a modern picture of Rothenburg, Germany made to look like it was taken in the 1930’s.

Fri 15 Oct 2010
Posted by markj under
Cars ,
Sports1 Comment
Ups and Downs of the week.
New Shoes – Finally dumped the run-flats in favor of real tires on the Z4. What an amazing difference. It feels like a totally different car. Smoother, quieter, and it handles much better. Why BMW ever switched to using run-flats is beyond me. Worst tires ever made.
Texas Rangers – How do you blow a 5-0 8th inning lead and not be the Red Sox? They’ve really set themselves back now. It’ll be a miracle if they take this series.
More Photoshop fun – My Z4 doesn’t get to travel much, at least not in the real world. But it gets around in Photoshop.

Fri 8 Oct 2010
Ups and Downs of the week.
Sarah – Her review of Ken Follett’s Fall of Giants is in today’s The Globe and Mail, which is the largest newspaper in Canada.
Formula One in HD – Very nice indeed. Except for the graphics which are still placed on the screen so non-HD viewers can see them. For someone with a 16:9 HD screen, the graphics are near the center and in the way.
Texas Rangers – Held the Tampa Bay Rays to just one run in two games in their own stadium. I love it. I hope they sweep and win the series at home. Go Rangers!!
Sun 3 Oct 2010
Posted by markj under
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Fri 1 Oct 2010
Posted by markj under
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Gadgets ,
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Ups and Downs of the week.
New Toys Week – Finally moved into the 21st century and got an HDTV. I’m amazed at the picture quality. Movies are very cool on the new TV. I’ve been watching Netflix through the Roku box. Still haven’t been able to watch a Sox game, though. Maybe tomorrow night.
DVPRemote – My Roku box remote has been acting up. It seems to freeze or go to sleep and is useless, so I downloaded an iPod Touch app called DVPRemote which mimics the Roku remote. It works very well indeed. I love good programming. Well done to the developer.
New (to me) X5 – My trusty ’03 X5 has hit 150k miles. I sense a disastrous mechanical failure in the near future, so I’ve traded it in on an ’05 X5. It has 100k fewer miles and few new bells and whistles. I pick it up tomorrow. Can’t wait.

Red Sox – I was hoping they’d go out with a bang with a 20th win for Lester and winning 90 games. Well Lester blew his chance and unless the Sox sweep the Yankmees this weekend, the 90 game season won’t happen either. Still, they’ve done well and I’ve enjoyed watching them this year.