October 2011

Some fun with Photoshop.

The Village

Ups and Downs of the Week

St. Louis Cardinals – 2011 World Series Champs. Well done. They fought at every at bat and it paid off when their backs were against the wall. The entire World Series was great (except for the bozos at Faux Sports). I watched much of the games with the mute on.

Racing World Tragedies – Two top-tier professional racers lost this month. Dan Wheldon was killed in an IndyCar Race in Las Vegas and Marco Simoncelli from the MotoGP motorcycle series died in a crash in Sepang. Racing is immeasurably safer than it was just a couple of decades ago, and perhaps that makes losses like this all the more shocking.

Weather – Alright, it’s cold and you can feel winter coming. But this morning there was sunshine and a cold fog rising off the fields. Made for some nice pictures.

Front Nine

Cold Mist Rising

Ups and Downs of the Week

Sarah’s Birthday – We both took the day off and had a nice dinner out tonight. Good times.

Illinois State Legislature – Instead of doing things to save this state from bankruptcy, they waste time coming up with ridiculous bills like the one limiting a household to six “companion” animals. How the hell do they expect to even begin enforcing that? And why are they wasting the time and resources needed to introduce such stupidity?

Patriots – Barely squeaked a win against the Cowboys, who should have been pushovers. Still, a win is a win.

Red Sox – The finger pointing continues. Epstein is gone (at least I think he is). But that is most likely a good thing.

Karma – Khadafy, like Saddam Hussein, was found hiding like a rat in a sewer pipe. Shame he didn’t get to stand trial and meet his much deserved fate at the hands of the people he brutalized. He got off easy.

This is a 100% crop from the center of a much larger image.

Baby Raccoon



Ups and Downs of the Week

Head colds – Ugh.

Lagunitas IPA – Crisp, hoppy, and just the right bitterness.

Lagunitas IPA

The rain shield was moving out today and behind it the sun and clouds made for some cool skies.

Tractor at Rest

Cloud Shadows

Last week and the beginning of this week we have seen some of the best weather ever. We’ve had beautiful clear skies and sunshine and perfect temps. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to grab some more shots of the fields.

Corn Corner

Blessings Indeed

Prairie Church

Top Down Weather

Sundog Road

Ups and Downs of the Week

Steve Jobs dies – We need someone with his vision and intellect to discover a cure for the disease that killed him.

MLB Playoffs – The small, low payroll teams are showing that high priced talent will be trumped by desire every time. Red Sox, Yankees, and Phillies are all done for the year.

Patriots – Better. Not great, but better.

Weather – Spectacular autumn weather this week and it’s supposed to continue into next week. I love it.

Sunset Harvest

Sunset Harvest

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