March 2012

Ups and Downs of the Week

Weather – Summertime weather this weekend.


Front Yard – Looking good already

Front Yard

This week it’s the 35mm F2. It’s a cheapo lens, but the image quality isn’t bad at all.

Full shot.

Barn Bolt

100% Crop

Barn Bolt

The wild cherry trees in our front yard are blooming.

Blooming Tree

Blooming Tree

Blooming Tree

Blooming Tree


Ups and Downs of the Week

Longevity – Randomography turns six years old on Sunday.

Weather – Looks like the spring weather is here to stay. Lots of stuff blooming.

Spring Blooms

Ups and Downs of the Week

Formula One returns – A sure sign winter is over. First practice today. Qualifying tomorrow. Race on Sunday.

Bruins – Serious mid-season slump. Somehow they’re still in 2nd place.

Weather – We’re enjoying early summer weather. I just hope we don’t get into mid-summer weather too soon.

Spring Break – No students around next week. Should be a quiet week at work.

This is two shots merged. One shot for sky exposure and one for foreground exposure, then merged in Photoshop.

2 Shot Merge

Poor Stumpy suffered some trauma around her tail and lower spine when she was a kitten. We don’t know what happened, but she has a stump of a tail and some nerve damage at the end of her spine. She’s the friendliest cat in the world, though.


Ups and Downs of the Week

Z4 – Got to do some top-down driving this week. Next week is supposed to have several days in the upper 70s, so more fun commutes should be in store


I’ve used this shed as a digital target before. Tonight the sunset was blocked by clouds, but the view to the east was pretty nice.

Remains of the Day

Can’t wait to do some traveling this summer so I have something else to aim my camera at.

Remains of the Day

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